How to Mix Burgundy Dye
New colours are created by mixing 1-3 dyes until the desired shade is obtained. You can use the fabric dye colour wheel to help or simply get creative. If your fabric is not already white or cream, prepare it before dyeing, by using Colour Remover. White cotton will dye closest to package colour, but nylon, silk, rayon, and wool may dye lighter or darker. For best results with any project, test your colour before.
Custom Colour Sample Tips:
Cut a 12" x 12" swatch of fabric and measure dye with a teaspoon or tablespoon. Dissolve Tintex into 1 or 2 cups of very hot water. Each custom colour recipe may include full or partial measurements of teaspoons or tablespoons (example: 1/16, 1/8, 1/4, 1/2, 3/4 tsp and/or Tbsp). Adjust the amount of dye as needed to get your desired custom colour.

Burgundy Dye Options:
Describing how you want your colour to look like can help you know what dyes to use in your new colour formula recipe. Recently, Laurie wanted to now how to make burgundy or wine-red using Tintex. Burgundy is a rich dark red that may have some dark plum undertones. Add a deep neutral dye like: dark brown, charcoal grey or black to any Tintex red to make your colour have more depth. This way the new dye colour look will look much deeper.
To make burgundy, start with cardinal red (scarlet red can be subbed) and add a deep neutral dye like dark brown (charcoal grey or black can be subbed) and then add a little dark plum fabric dye (purple can be subbed). You can also make a purple colour by mixing any Tintex red & any Tintex blue (adjust amounts as needed) if you add a small amount of charcoal grey or black you will deepen the purple to be a dark plum colour. In general, you can darken any dye by adding a small amount of charcoal grey, black, navy or dark brown.
Basic burgundy recipe options are all for 1 cup hot water *adjust dye amounts to be darker/lighter as desired.
- 1 Tbsp Cardinal Red + 1 Tbsp Dark Plum (Purple may be subbed with 1/4 tsp Charcoal Grey), 1 tsp Dark Brown (or sub 1.5 tsp Brown)
- 2 tsp Cardinal Red + 1 tsp Dark Plum (Purple may be subbed with 1/4 tsp Charcoal Grey) + 1/2 tsp Dark Brown (or sub 1 tsp Brown)
- 4 tsp Cardinal Red + 1 tsp Charcoal Grey (or sub 1/2 tsp Black) + 1/4 tsp Dark Plum (optional)
- 1 Tbsp Cardinal Red + 1.5 Tbsp Charcoal Grey (or sub 1 Tbsp Black) + 1/4 tsp Dark Plum (optional)
Basic Dyeing Guide:
Make Pastels: any Tintex dye colour a pastel just by using less dye (example: scarlet red can make pastel pink)The stovetop hand dyeing method: gets the brightest or darkest colours; use double the usual amount of dye for the dry fabric weight for the most deep colours (example: black or navy blue).
How to Mix Dyes: mix 1-3 colours together to make another colour that could be: warmer, cooler or completely different (example: scarlet red added to royal blue and purple creates hot pink).
Make Colours Deeper: adding a small amount of a deeper dye colour will add depth and/or completely change the colour of a light dye (example: adding some black to scarlet red creates a deep, rich red)
Warm & Cool Undertones: warm colours can have brilliant yellow or tangerine orange added to them while cool colours may have blue or charcoal grey in the mix.