Whitex Instructions
We have listed basic box instructions for Whitex below; or get information on how Whitex Wonder Whitener brightens fabric.
Whitex Wonder Whitener is an optical brightener that will make all natural fabrics and most synthetics whiter and brighter including: Nylon, Acetate, Rayon, Silk, Wool, Linen and Cotton. Whitex will not bleach your fabric.
Hand Washing Method:
Add one teaspoon to one gallon (5 liters) of warm water or, for silk, one teaspoon to two gallons of warm water (10 liters). Add damp prewashed item to this mixture and stir for several minutes. Rinse article, wash and dry as usual.
Washing Machine Method:
Wash article as usual and leave damp. Add one teaspoon of Whitex Wonder Whitener to your washing machine and fill with water as usual. Add the article to the washing machine and run it through the wash cycle.
Always respect the special care instructions of the article for either method. Only use the hand wash method for silk.Protect work area and wear rubber gloves when using Tintex products.