Canada Day Dip Dye Shorts

All you need to dip dye or tie dye your plain white cotton shorts to be ready for Canada Day is white fabric & scarlet or cardinal red fabric dye.

Dyed Shorts


  • Plastic gloves
  • White cotton shorts
  • Glass bowel or plastic bucket
  • Tintex Scarlet Red (or Cardinal Red) 
  • Elastic bands or string (optional for tie dyeing)
  • Plastic wrap (optional for tie dyeing)
  • Measuring cup
  • Teaspoon or Table spoon
  • Hot water (use kettle or microwave)

Canada Day Ombre:

  1. Put on gloves and mix chosen amount of dye with hot water. Use fabric that's already been washed (without fabric softener) and is still damp.
  2. Dip fabric from the bottom or top depending on your preference for a few minutes in the scarlet red or cardinal red dye solution.
  3. Optional: if you would like to have varying stripes of red shades, dip other sections for less amounts of time to make lighter red shades.
  4. Cover dyed fabric with plastic wrap and set aside for a few hours or overnight to set.
  5. Rinse fabric until water runs clear. Wash and dry fabric as usual, you may also set design with a warm iron if preferred.
  6. After a dyeing project, you can wash and dry the fabric alone or with similar colours to avoid colour transfer.

Canada Day Tie Dye:

    Stripes look great on everything so you can have fun creating new designs by adjusting the size and location. Horizontal and vertical stripes create different looks.

    1. Put on gloves and mix chosen amount of dye with hot water. Use fabric that's already been washed (without fabric softener) and is still damp.
    2. Decide if you prefer horizontal or vertical stripes and how wide you want them to be (have stripes all the same width or make them different sizes). Mark where stripes begin and end (or just eyeball their general location).
    3. Pleat fabric together tightly with your hands and use rubber bands or string to secure (rubber bands or string create colour divisions that will show the original fabric colour).
    4. Dye stripes by alternating red & white (original fabric colour) stripes. Tie the fabric with string/elastic and place in a dye bath of your red fabric dye.
    5. Cover dyed fabric with plastic wrap and set aside for a few hours or overnight to set.
    6. Rinse fabric until water runs clear. Wash and dry fabric as usual, you may also set design with a warm iron if preferred.
    7. After a dyeing project, you can wash and dry the fabric alone or with similar colours to avoid colour transfer.

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